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About us

In 2020 a new brand was born. This is DESCENT, for your on- & off-piste accessories. Our motto: Play. Everyday! And enjoy life to the fullest, because if happiness is the goal then adventures should be the top priority.

This idea was born during the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in a lot of spare time. So we started to make handmade jewelry. First as a crazy hobby and later we came on to the idea to do more with this and start our own webshop. So a wild plan became reality real quick, with lots of ideas and a long to d0 list. But first we needed a name for our ‘brand’. We came up with the name Descent, because this is the number one thing we love to do. Long days in the mountains with our snowboard and our friends, in search of fresh powder and first tracks. But also in summer the mountains are beautiful and have a lot to offer! We love exploring new things and go on a little adventure. The name Descent is short, cool and powerful and it feels perfect for our brand.

This worldwide Pandemic hitted us hard, the wintersport season in 2020 ended early and traveling was not possible anymore. A few winterseasons were lost... but luckely it's history now and everything is back to 'normal'! So from now on we can expand our brand! Despite everything that happens in life, it is important to remain positive. That's our message. We enjoy life and make the most of it. Always say yes to new adventures!

That's why we started our own brand and this webshop. For example, all our jewelry is handmade and designed by ourselves. From there we started to design other products such as neckwarmers, beanies, goggle covers, t-shirts, hooded swaters, caps, drink bottles, sunglasses and even snow goggles! But that's not all. Even more products are added to our shop in the near future. DESCENT is for everyone with a passion for the mountains, traveling and outdoor sports. Summer or winter!

We're really proud of it, we hope you like it too. And don't forget: Life is yours. Own it! 

Cassandra & Jeffrey

& our office dog JayJay 🐻 (& Jingo ✨🦁)



We hebben energie voor tien. Niet altijd sportief, wel actief. We zijn ondernemend. Gaan graag op pad. Altijd op zoek naar avontuur. Nieuwe plekken, nieuwe herinneringen. We doen het op onze eigen manier. Het leven is van ons, wij bepalen!


Onze liefde voor de bergen delen we graag. Alles wat we doen, doen we met passie. Het komt uit ons hart. Doen waar je van houdt geeft energie. En die energie stoppen we in DESCENT.


We nemen het leven niet te serieus. We zijn eigenzinnig en voelen ons vrij. Ons motto is dat je iedere dag moet genieten. Dat gevoel laten we terug komen in ons merk en in onze producten. Kleurrijk, opvallend, speels en handig. Play. Everyday!


DESCENT staat midden in de doelgroep. Wij zijn de doelgroep! We zijn open, vriendelijk en benaderbaar en dat zie je terug in onze ontwerpen en in onze communicatie. We willen mensen blij maken. DESCENT is een merk voor iedereen die van de bergen houdt.


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